Thursday, January 5, 2012

Spiked Lotion

The empty pump (bought from target)
              Since I've been trying REALLY hard to use up all of my extra/random products that contain chemicals, I've been can this be good for my skin? My skin is very dry and I even have a prescription lotion (that I hope to get rid of by finding a better lotion recipe soon but that's a different story.) There is obviously a reason that I haven't used those random bottles of lotion left in my cabinet; THEY DON'T WORK!
              Here was my idea: mix all the extra "randoms" I had together in the pump I  had just bought for my new lotion recipe, and that's as far as I got for a while. My main issue still arose, that those lotions just didn't work very well. This has been an issue for my entire life, but because I don't like to waste money....I've kept a spare few lotions around even though they don't do me any good.
Final product!
               Finally the answer hit me as I was rummaging around my bathroom cabinet. BABY OIL. I've got a huge bottle of it just waiting to be used up along with all my other products with chemicals. I bought this with the intent of cleaning my ears with it (as apposed to using q-tips. I saw this method on the Dr. Oz show) I bet I can find a better oil (more natural) to do the same thing though so I had no issues using that baby oil to spike my lotion concoction.
              I took all my bottles of random lotions and dumped them right into my new handy reusable pump and added enough baby oil to make it the right consistency for me (which ended up being about half lotion, half oil.) Its been working really well so far! Now I am on my way to making a fresh start with no chemicals in my lotion!

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