Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Coffee Hair Dye

           Last night for the first time, I tried something….daring. I used coffee to dye my hair. My hair is naturally light brown but it hasn’t been that color in years. Most recently I dyed it dark brown…so dark that it sometimes looked black. But now that it has started to fade lighter again I thought it would be the perfect time to experiment.
           I brewed up two 12 cup batches of the darkest coffee EVER. I decided the best way to go about this whole process was to plug the sink in my bathroom and soak my hair in it for about five minutes. I rinsed it out as I took a shower and then used conditioner like usual.
          I don’t think my hair looks any different so I avoided the picture taking. BUT next time I’m going to try this again for a longer period time for sure, and I was also thinking of somehow concentrating the coffee… so it isn’t so liquidy… or maybe I’ll come up with a coffee paste that’s more like the traditional hair dye.

                                                                        STAY TUNED!


  1. Great idea! What could I use to die my hair blond?

  2. As far as I'm aware, you don't actually "dye" hair blonde. The process is actually taking color out with bleach usually. So other than using lemon juice in the summer, I think you'll have to stick to the bleach :)
