Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Honey Face Mask/Wash

That awesome honey :)
          My first attempt at an all natural skin and body care regimen began when I found a daily way to wash my face gently and effectively. I came across this several times as I was researching on the internet and its super easy. All you do is use honey to wash your face! I started my process by finding some organic honey that was as local as possible to me. (I ended up finding a closer farm that does this after I ordered some so live and learn!)
The empty bottle I used (8 ounces)
          The honey I bought had already crystallized since I started all this a little after honey season but my providers ensured me I could heat it up on the stove and use it just the same (because honey doesn't go bad!) I followed their advice and put that jar in a pot of water on the stove and turned it up to medium heat; turned it back into a liquid for easy use. I poured the contents of the jar into an easy squeeze bottle that I bought at target in the travel section.

The final product!
           I try and use this every night before I go to bed to wash all the stuff off my face that accumulates during the day (dirt, sweat, makeup…you know) First I pull my hair back so that I’m not left with a sticky mess, and I slather on about a quarter size amount of the delicious honey. I continue with other things I do before bed like brushing my teeth so that the honey can sit for a few minutes. Then I take a clean wash cloth and run it under warm water and use that to wipe my face clean of the honey and I’m finished! I do like to put on a light layer of lotion afterwards just because my skin is extra dry, especially in the winter time… but this isn’t necessary.

The honey tastes a lot better than that stuff that you get in a bear at the grocery store and I find myself licking my lips sometimes when I’m letting the mask sit ;) My boyfriend actually ate some right out of my bottle the other day! Using this honey makes my skin feel soo much softer! I ordered my honey and beeswax (in future posts) at Ames Farms

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