Friday, January 6, 2012

Gelatin Pore Strips

                 Alright everyone, here is something I think is quite awesome. Two ingredient homemade pore strips. One teaspoon milk, one teaspoon plain old gelatin mix (please do NOT use jello haha.)
The mixture (pre-microwave)
            The first step to this is mixing the two ingredients together in a small microwavable bowl. Now pop that baby in the microwave for 10 seconds. You can either use your finger or a small makeup/paint brush to paint the mixture right on your nose.
That's me paintin' my nose :)
           I let it sit for about ten minutes. While I was waiting, I could feel it tighten up and open my pores. Then when it was time to take it off, I peeled of my strip and I was done!
The pore strip
            I really enjoyed this one because it was so easy! I never use pore strips because I'm too cheap to buy them but this felt awesome. In my opinion, the end result of it is a little gross but really cool! I also got my boyfriend to try it with me, it was hilarious watching his reaction, I wish I would have gotten a picture of him! Go try it for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I had tried this earlier and it is very sticky! However I put it all over my nose and my pores feel like they are breathing finally. Great post.
