Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Homemade Deodorant

             Since starting this journey to rid myself of the chemicals I have become dependent on, I have found out some really interesting and gross things. In deodorant, the main ingredient is aluminum. Now that is just down right wrong. It's really starting to freak me out if something like that is listed right on the bottle and people don't care or even notice. What does that mean for all the rest of the weird ingredients we can't even pronounce?!
              So I've almost run out of my store bought deodorant and I'm definitely needing something more moisturizing living in Minneapolis. I had no idea how simple it would be to make this originally. I gathered up the ingredients and mixed them all up. This is the recipe I used:
Coconut Oil 3 tablespoons
Baking Soda 1/3 cup
Corn Starch 1/3 cup

Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil 10 drops
Lavender Essential Oil 10 drops
Vitamin E Oil 2 tablespoons
              I mixed all the ingredients together in a bowl. I found this was really difficult because the coconut oil was more of a soild... I resorted to using my hand to mix it (it warmed the oil up enough to melt it.) I then poured it into an 8 ounce travel bottle from target (like my honey face wash) and I was done! Well sort of...It ended up only filling half my bottle so I made another recipe to fill the entire thing so that once my classes start this spring, I won't have to worry about making some deodorant instead of writing a paper or something haha!
             I'll let you know the results of using this when I have begun. Also the recipe that I found usually was put into an old deodorant stick for use but apparently that hasn't worked out too well for the people who have tried this already. I got the coconut oil and vitamin E oil from The Vitamin Shoppe

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